Digital and Robotics in STEM lessons

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We know and use them almost all: smartphones, digital watches, apps for pedometers and measuring tools, computers for playing games, emailing or writing texts. Dealing with digital components is already an integral part of many areas of everyday life. Homeschooling and school closures have once again demonstrated the importance of digital media. So why not use digital skills for your own subject?

Coding is less about writing lines of code and more about understanding the digital world. To be able to do this, you need the ability to understand programming concepts. This means identifying problems and breaking down their solutions into individual small sub-steps, developing strategies, thinking abstractly and creatively. 

eXperiBot learning robot makes programming fun

The learning robot eXperiBot, which was developed especially for school purposes, makes exactly that possible. Here, creativity is directed towards coding, not towards building robots. In 70 seconds the first moving robot is ready for programming. Our cartoon character Arianna likes to be looked over her shoulder while programming. She even gives away tips and tricks to her students when things get a bit trickier. The eXperiBot learning robot stands for the proven and robust use of robots in children's hands: completely "Made in Germany". Language selection in the app allows programming in English and many other languages.

Full concentration on the experiment with eXperilyser

eXperilyser is a tool for teachers to bring new perspectives into the classroom. eXperilyser allows students to discover what is behind the experiment, using their unlimited imagination. Where you saw a swing before, they now recognise the movement of a pendulum. With the eXperilyser, experiments can be analysed in real time, effectively and profoundly. A simple camera, e.g. from a smartphone, tablet or PC, serves as an instrument for using all seven modules in the classroom. Simply test the experiment app yourself, free of charge for a fortnight before entering the licence code.