Students Kits

Students kit Electronics

item number 20410

This kit contains all the components and equipment necessary for carrying out experiments on the fun...

Student kit Electronics without circuit board

item number 20415

This kit contains all the components and equipment necessary for carrying out experiments on the fun...

Digital control of experiments
Electronic switch

item number 21610

Our electronic switch can be installed directly in any DC circuit without additional operating...

Students kit Electrical energy sources

item number 23030

For school experiments involving sources of electrical energy, which can be carried out within the...

Students kit Solar cell

item number 23060

For school experiments using solar cells, which can be carried out within the time frame of a sing...

Students kit Electricity including circuit board

item number 23200

The kit contains equipment and resources required for investigating the basic laws of electrical p...

Students kit Electricity – Basics including circuit board

item number 23210

Experiments on the flow of electricity and basic electrical circuits Experiments on the effect...

Students kit Electricity – Upgrade Induction and Alternating Current (AC)

item number 23220

Advanced experiments on electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction   The supplementary set...

Students kit Electricity – Upgrade Electrostatics, Magnetism and Electrochemistr...

item number 23230

Experiments to illustrate the properties of permanent magnets Experiments on the detection and...

Students kit Mechanics

item number 43000

This kit contains equipment and resources required for investigating the basic laws of solid, liqu...

Physics experiments on the mechanics of solid bodies
Mechanics set for pupils

item number 43010

Possibility to tie in with mathematics: Use of age-appropriate statistics when evaluating Test...

Physics experiments on imaging optics
Optical set with optical bench for pupils

item number 47530

This kit covers the following basic laws of physics: Newton’s corpuscular theory of light ...

Physics experiments on wave optics
Supplementary set for wave optics for pupils

item number 47540

The additional kit contains materials and devices for further seven basic experiments The part...

Students kit Heat

item number 48500

This kit contains all the equipment and resources for basic experiments on thermodynamics in solid...

Students kit Energy conversion

item number 48550

This kit contains all the equipment and resources for a host of experiments on conversion of energ...

Students kit Electrostatics

item number 50000

Topics: - properties of the electric charge - contact electricity - polarisation and electrost...

Students kit Basic electrical circuits

item number 52200

This kit provides an easy way to carry out experiments on conduction and electrical circuits. Furt...

Students kit Electricity Basic circuits

item number 53550

This kit provides an easy way to carry out experiments on conduction and electrical circuits. ...

Students kit Electro motor

item number 54835

The electro motor is designed of sturdy material. The commutation of the current is ensured by a c...

Students kit DynaMot

item number 54853

This kit allows school experiments to be conducted using the DynaMot manually powered generator de...

SEG "Energy Conversion 2"

item number 76350

More than 20 students experiments and written exercises impart basic physics and chemistry phe...

Students kit Dynamics 2.0

item number 4300988

The kit contains equipment and resources required for investigating the basic laws of motion and o...
