Students kit Heat

Thermometers teaching unit.
Children learn how to make a thermometer by themselves, how to use it and how to determine freezing and boiling points of water on
a thermometer without scale.
This way they learn the basic terminology and theories of heat and thermal expansion.
Evaporation and condensation teaching unit.
Children learn to understand the water cycle by finding out what happens when a liquid is converted into a gas and that a gas can be converted back into a liquid.
Age 7-9
Materials for 15 workgroups (for 30 children)

The picture shows a red suitcase equipped with various experimental materials, including test tubes, pipettes, containers and other laboratory equipment. The careful arrangement and the foam-protected interior suggest a d

item number 31799

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further product description

Technical specifications

Size of kit: 540 x 450 x 150 mm

  • 1 - Heat

    experiment "Heat"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 2 - We heat water

    experiment "We heat water"

    The students should be able to describe the following observations based on their experiments: When the water in the flask was heated, it rose in the glass tube (it expanded); when it was cooled again, it sank (contracted) in the glass tube.

  • 3 - What do you need a thermometer for?

    experiment "What do you need a thermometer for?"

    The students should get a feeling for different temperatures.

  • 4 - My scale

    experiment "My scale"

    In the sense of the aforementioned learning objective, the students should be able to make an individual division of the scale and one that corresponds to the consensus of the group and thus be able to measure.

  • 5 - Taking temperature measurements and reading exercises

    experiment "Taking temperature measurements and reading exercises"

    The students measure different temperatures in their environment.

  • 6 - We heat spirit

    experiment "We heat spirit"

    The spirit in the beaker is shown and possibly passed around. The students should try to find out for themselves what the subject is.

  • 7 - A thermometer

    experiment "A thermometer"

    The student groups receive the scaleless thermometers and two beakers with water at different temperatures. They take turns holding the thermometers in the glasses and observing them.

  • 8 - The Celsius scale

    experiment "The Celsius scale"

    The students should be able to use ice and boiling water to mark the melting and boiling points of water on a thermometer without a scale.

  • 9 - The clinical thermometer

    experiment "The clinical thermometer"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 10 - Experiments with cologne

    experiment "Experiments with cologne"

    The students are asked to formulate a hypothesis about the behavior of a drop of cologne exposed to air.

  • 11 - We're investigating more liquids

    experiment "We're investigating more liquids"

    The students should be able to name different non-potable liquids that are used in their environment.

  • 12 - We measure temperatures while a liquid is evaporating

    experiment "We measure temperatures while a liquid is evaporating"

    The students should feel and measure the impression of cooling left by an evaporating liquid.

scope of supply
  • 4 × Plastic box, clear, 60/40
  • 15 × Thermometer student type –3°C to +103°C
  • 15 × Thermometer student type,without graduation
  • 15 × Beaker, plastic, 100 ml (graduated)
  • 15 × Insulating block for plastic beaker
  • 15 × Stand for 609401
  • 15 × Rubber stopper 24/18 mm with bore 6 mm
  • 15 × Dropping pipette, plastic
  • 1 × Immersion heater, 300 W
  • 1 × Colouring agent, red for lab use only
  • 1 × Atomizer
  • 1 × Plastic box 105x90x50 mm
  • 1 × Foam insert 1 for 31799, 510x350x40 mm
  • 1 × Foam insert 2 for 31799, (5 hollows) 520x135x85 mm
  • 1 × Foam insert 3 for 31799, (2 hollows) 222x140x85 mm
  • 1 × Storing diagram,int.vers.
  • 1 × Tray 510x360x20 mm
  • 1 × Test tube brush
  • 1 × Funnel, PP, 75 mmØ
  • 15 ×
  • 15 ×
  • 15 ×
  • 20 ×
  • 16 ×
  • 15 ×
  • 15 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 15 ×
  • 1 × Colouring agent, blue
  • 1 × Demo-Thermometer-Model
  • 1 × Plastic case ca.540x450x150 mm