Students kit Heat

This kit contains all the equipment and resources for basic experiments on thermodynamics in solid, liquid and gaseous bodies.
Apart from making simple temperature measurements, it is also possible to investigate the principles of how bodies behave in response to changes in temperature.
Further experiments allow for closer observation of the emission, reflection and absorption of thermal energy as well as how it propagates via heat radiation, conduction and convection. Determination of specific heats and investigation of the processes of evaporation, boiling and condensation round of the range of available experiments.
This kit covers the following basic laws of physics:

  • Boyle’s law
  • Gay-Lussac’s law
  • Fourier’s law
  • Stefan-Boltzmann law

The picture shows a red box equipped with various experimental materials, including glassware, a syringe, and various small containers. All utensils are safely placed in foam to protect them during transport.

item number 48500

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  • 1 - Model of a thermometer

    experiment "Model of a thermometer"

    This experiment explains how a thermometer works. In addition, statements are made about how the supply of heat is related to a resulting change in temperature.

  • 2 - Temperature measurement

    experiment "Temperature measurement"

    This experiment explains how a thermometer works. In addition, statements are made about how the supply of heat is related to a resulting change in temperature.

  • 3 - Temperatures changes in liquids

    experiment "Temperatures changes in liquids"

    This experiment investigates the behavior of liquids in the heating and cooling process. In addition, it is investigated why the liquid behaves in this way.

  • 4 - Temperatures changes in gases

    experiment "Temperatures changes in gases"

    This experiment shows the properties of a solid, after its heating.

  • 5 - Temperatures changes in solids

    experiment "Temperatures changes in solids"

    This experiment shows the properties of a solid according to its heating.

  • 6 - Heat conduction in solids

    experiment "Heat conduction in solids"

    This experiment investigates the thermal conductivity of different materials.

  • 7 - Heat conduction in liquids

    experiment "Heat conduction in liquids"

    In this experiment, the thermal conductivity of water is determined.

  • 8 - Bimetallic thermometer

    experiment "Bimetallic thermometer"

    The experiment examines the behavior of a bimetallic strip when it is heated and then cooled.

  • 9 - Heat radiation

    experiment "Heat radiation"

    The experimental setup illustrates the radiation of heat and the associated transfer of heat through the air.

  • 10 - Absorption of heat radiation

    experiment "Absorption of heat radiation"

    In this experiment, conclusions are drawn as to which properties of a substance are necessary so that thermal radiation can be absorbed.

  • 11 - Heat flow – convection

    experiment "Heat flow – convection"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 12 - Temperature of mixture

    experiment "Temperature of mixture"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 13 - Specific heat of water

    experiment "Specific heat of water"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 14 - Specific heat of solids

    experiment "Specific heat of solids"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 15 - Vaporisation and condensation

    experiment "Vaporisation and condensation"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 16 - Evaporation

    experiment "Evaporation"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 17 - Heating and cooling

    experiment "Heating and cooling"

    In this experiment, the heating and cooling process of water is observed.

  • 18 - Reflection of heat radiation

    experiment "Reflection of heat radiation"

    The experiment explains the principle of the reflection of thermal radiation and its effect on the temperature.

  • 19 - Distillation

    experiment "Distillation"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

  • 20 - Utilisation of heat energy

    experiment "Utilisation of heat energy"

    We will shortly provide you with a description of the experiment at this point.

scope of supply
  • 1 × Plastic test tube, 100 mm
  • 2 × Rubber stopper 24/18 mm with bore 6 mm
  • 1 × Colouring agent, red for lab use only
  • 1 × Heat protection gauze
  • 2 × Bosshead with slit
  • 1 × Retaining ring 30 mm Ø
  • 1 × Retaining ring 75 mm Ø
  • 1 × Rail, 180 mm
  • 2 × Clamp slider
  • 1 × Metal body, aluminium
  • 1 × Paddle wheel
  • 1 × Convection tube, glass students type
  • 1 × Thermometer, red spirit -10+110°C:1°C
  • 1 × Heat conductivity bows set of 4 pcs.
  • 1 × Calorimeter for students
  • 1 × Erlenmeyer flask 25 ml, white
  • 1 × Erlenmeyer flask 25 ml, black
  • 1 × Glass tube, straight, 50 mm
  • 1 × Glass tube, straight, 100 mm with jet
  • 1 × Glass tube, straight, 200 mm
  • 1 × Glass tube, bent right angled, 50 mm legs
  • 1 × Rubber stopper 24/19 mm, 1 hole 8mm
  • 1 × Rubber stopper 34/28 mm, 1 hole 8 mm
  • 1 × Measuring cylinder, PP, 25 ml
  • 1 × Silicone tubing, 7/1,5 mmper m
  • 1 × Spirit burner, metal
  • 2 × Tubular clip, 5x4 mm
  • 1 × Metal axis, 125 mm
  • 1 × Holding clip on rod, withmetal spring, 16 mm Ø
  • 2 × Bimetallic strip
  • 1 × Carton for SEG (large tray)
  • 1 × Plastic box 140/50/35 mm
  • 1 × Storing tray, deep, red
  • 1 × Lid for 75028 + 75038
  • 1 × SEG Lidfoam, grey 20 mm
  • 1 × Foam insert for 48500, 385x279x90 mm
  • 1 ×
  • 2 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 2 ×
  • 5 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 × Heat resistant pad, 50x35 cm
additional materials required
Art-No. items items
Power supply unit, clocked, 6 V/1 A