Possibility to tie in with mathematics:
This kit covers the following basic laws of physics:
In this experiment, the elongation of a spring as a function of the force exerted on the spring is investigated.
On the two-sided lever, the leverage law is clarified.
Sliding and static friction are investigated as a function of the normal force, the coefficient of friction and the contact surface. The measurement data are statistically evaluated in a student-friendly manner.
In the elastic deformation of a leaf spring, it is investigated whether there is a linear relationship between the deflection of the leaf spring and the attacking force.
In the plastic deformation of sand, it is investigated whether the crater diameter generated when a steel ball falls into sand depends linearly on the fall height.
The Golden Rule of Mechanics is developed at the stations fixed roll, loose roll and pulley.
The use of a force gauge is learned when determining the weight force. The location factor is introduced or repeated. Finally, when comparing the measured values with theoretical values, the accuracy of the force gauge is discussed.
A tensioned rope is pulled with a force gauge. Thus, three forces attack at one point, which can be added very precisely with the force parallelogram. The structure is very easy to adjust, so that many different configurations can be investigated.
The center of gravity, or more precisely a heavy axis, of an arbitrarily shaped disc is determined experimentally. Subsequently, the static equilibrium of the disk is examined.
On the one-sided lever, the leverage law is clarified.
With a measuring carriage on an inclined plane, the slope driving force is determined for different angles of inclination and different wagon masses.
The Golden Rule of Mechanics is developed at the stations fixed roll, loose roll and pulley.
The Golden Rule of Mechanics is developed at the stations fixed roll, loose roll and pulley.
On an inclined plane, the efficiency of a wagon is compared with that of a friction block.
item number 43080
For the demonstration of various laws of mechanics with levers, pulleys, pulley blocks and dynamom...
Detailsitem number 43085
For the demonstration of the basic laws of mechanics and simple machines as pulleys, pulley bl...
Detailsitem number 43020
Possibility to tie in with mathematics: Use of age-appropriate statistics when evaluating Test...
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