item number 51901
The kit contains all necessary materials and agents to carry out basic experiments of electroc...
Detailsitem number 76350
More than 20 students experiments and written exercises impart basic physics and chemistry phe...
Detailsitem number 89756
All usual preparative distillation processes can be conducted safely with this kit. The students c...
Detailsitem number 89876
With this kit students can isolate less soluble materials. The special construction of the Soxhlet...
Detailsitem number 89886
With the kit small quantities of most of the standard laboratory gases can be generated. If the se...
Detailsitem number 94105
The additional kit contains all equipment and materials from the kit chemistry II that are not...
Detailsitem number 9410099
The kit is designed for the elementary instruction. It includes equipment and materials that are n...
Detailsitem number 9420099
The kit allows activity-orientated lessons on the topics air, combustion and redox reactions. ...
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