Students kit Electricity including circuit board

The kit contains equipment and resources required for investigating the basic laws of electrical processes.
To meet the demands of and applications in different types of schools this science kit consists of three modules:
Experiments on current flow and on the electrical basic circuits, Art. No. 23210

  • Experiments on the effects of electric current and examinations of selected engineering usage
  • The components of the basic unit are stored in a plastic tray.

Electricity – upgrade induction and alternating current, Art. No. 23220

  • Continuing experiments on electromagnetism and on electromagnetic induction The supplement can be stored in the tray of the basic unit electricity 1.

Electricity – upgrade electrostatics, magnetism and electrochemistry, Art. No. 23230

  • Examinations to demonstrate the properties of permanent magnets Experiments to demonstrate electrical charge and how charges behave
  • Experiments to demonstrate the basics of electrochemistry

The picture shows two red storage boxes containing various experimental materials and equipment. The equipment includes wires, magnets, iron files and various measuring instruments for practical experiments in the educational field.

item number 23200

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further product description

The components of this supplement are stored in a separate tray.
This kit covers the following basic laws of physics:

  • Coulomb’s law
  • Faraday's law of induction
  • Ohm’s law
  • Oersted’s law
  • Galvanic cell
  • Lenz´s law
  • 1 - Ohm’s law

    experiment "Ohm’s law"

    The experiment shows the relationships between the quantities U=voltage, I=current and R=resistance.

  • 2 - Wattage

    experiment "Wattage"

    The experiment shows to what extent a parallel connection or a series connection influences the electrical output.

  • 3 - Electric work

    experiment "Electric work"

    In this experiment, the heat development of a current-carrying heating wire is observed.

  • 4 - Bimetallic switch

    experiment "Bimetallic switch"

    The experiment deals with the structure of a circuit, with a bimetallic switch, and its influence on the circuit.

  • 5 - Relay

    experiment "Relay"

    In this experiment, the effect of the relay is observed.

  • 6 - Lenz’s law

    experiment "Lenz’s law"

    An induction current is always directed in such a way that it counteracts the origin of the creation.

  • 7 - Transformer

    experiment "Transformer"

    This experiment explains the principle of a transformer.
    A transformer can increase or decrease charges and resistances.

  • 8 - Model of an electroscope

    experiment "Model of an electroscope"

    The students build a pendulum from pieces of elderberry pulp and examine the electrical state.

  • 9 - Faraday beaker

    experiment "Faraday beaker"

    The experiment shows the effect of a pendulum piece with an electrically charged plastic rod.

  • 10 - Magnetic field

    experiment "Magnetic field"

    The magnetic field is a special state of space in which electrically charged bodies are attracted or repelled.

  • 11 - Electrical circuit

    experiment "Electrical circuit"

    The students build an electrical circuit.

  • 12 - Electrical circuit with switch

    experiment "Electrical circuit with switch"

    Students build an electrical circuit with a switch.

  • 13 - Conductor / non-conductor

    experiment "Conductor / non-conductor"

    Test to determine the conductivity of different substances.

  • 14 - Current conduction in liquids

    experiment "Current conduction in liquids"

    Students examine the power line of various liquids.

  • 15 - Voltage

    experiment "Voltage"

    In the experiment, it is observed what differences there are in the voltage when one or more incandescent lamps are switched on.

  • 16 - Amperage

    experiment "Amperage"

    This experiment shows the effect of resistance on the current and the lamp associated with it.

  • 17 - Electrical resistance

    experiment "Electrical resistance"

    This experiment shows the effect of resistance on the current and the lamp associated with it.

  • 18 - Series connection of incandescent lamps

    experiment "Series connection of incandescent lamps"

    It is investigated what difference there is when connecting several incandescent lamps in a row and what effects this has on the current.

  • 19 - Series connection of resistors

    experiment "Series connection of resistors"

    In this experiment, the series connection of resistors is investigated.

  • 20 - Parallel connection of incandescent lamps

    experiment "Parallel connection of incandescent lamps"

    In this experiment, the parallel connection of incandescent lamps is investigated and what effect this has on the circuit.

  • 21 - Parallel connection of resistors

    experiment "Parallel connection of resistors"

    The experiment investigates the effect of resistors, in a parallel connection, on the current.

  • 22 - Dropping resistor

    experiment "Dropping resistor"

    The experiment shows the effect of an adjustable resistance on an incandescent lamp.

  • 23 - Voltage divider

    experiment "Voltage divider"

    In this experiment it is observed what effect it has on a lamp when the voltage changes.

  • 24 - Specific resistance

    experiment "Specific resistance"

    This experiment is for measuring specific resistances of different materials.

  • 25 - Resistance and temperature

    experiment "Resistance and temperature"

    This experiment examines the conductivity of a wire when it is cold and when it is heated.

  • 26 - Bridge circuit

    experiment "Bridge circuit"

    In this experiment, the system of a bridge circuit and its effect on the voltage of an incandescent lamp will be explained to you.

  • 27 - Measuring resistances

    experiment "Measuring resistances"

    In this experiment, the resistance measurement is examined using an ammeter.

  • 28 - Conversion into heat energy

    experiment "Conversion into heat energy"

    This experiment illustrates how electrical energy is converted into thermal energy.

  • 29 - Light action

    experiment "Light action"

    This experiment shows how electrical energy is converted into light, like an incandescent lamp.

  • 30 - Conductor and resistance wire

    experiment "Conductor and resistance wire"

    In this experiment, the difference between a power and a resistance wire is examined.

  • 31 - Fuse

    experiment "Fuse"

    The experiment shows how a fuse works and makes sense in a circuit.

  • 32 - Hot-wire ammeter

    experiment "Hot-wire ammeter"

    In this experiment, the position of a hooked weight is observed, which is suspended from a current-carrying conductor. From the observations, conclusions are drawn about the change in the position of the hook weight.

  • 33 - Magnetic field of a conductor

    experiment "Magnetic field of a conductor"

    In this experiment, the effect of the magnetic field of a conductor is observed.

  • 34 - Electromagnet

    experiment "Electromagnet"

    This experiment shows the effect of an electromagnet and is compared with that of a permanent magnet.

  • 35 - Automatic interrupter

    experiment "Automatic interrupter"

    This experiment shows the structure of a self-interrupter, how it works and what processes take place in it.

  • 36 - Principle of an electric motor

    experiment "Principle of an electric motor"

    This experiment illustrates the principle of an electric motor and how it works.

  • 37 - Electric motor

    experiment "Electric motor"

    By applying a voltage to the electric motor, you get a rotary movement.
    Here, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy.

  • 38 - Induction

    experiment "Induction"

    This experiment shows the inductance of a coil.
    Induction is the movement of land carriers in a conductor.

  • 39 - Induction with DC voltage

    experiment "Induction with DC voltage"

    This experiment examines the inductance of a coil in a DC circuit.

  • 40 - Self-induction

    experiment "Self-induction"

    This experiment illustrates the principle of self-induction of a coil.
    Self-induction is the ability of a coil to generate a voltage in a changing magnetic field.

  • 41 - Principle of a generator

    experiment "Principle of a generator"

    This experiment illustrates how a generator works and how it works.

  • 42 - Alternator

    experiment "Alternator"

    The alternator is used to generate single-phase alternating current.

  • 43 - AC motor

    experiment "AC motor"

    An AC motor runs on single-phase AC power.
    It is also called an induction motor.

  • 44 - Impedance of a coil

    experiment "Impedance of a coil"

    In this experiment, the difference in the resistance of a coil with DC voltage and AC voltage is measured.

  • 45 - Capacitor

    experiment "Capacitor"

    This experiment illustrates the charging and discharging processes of a capacitor.

  • 46 - Impedance of a capacitor

    experiment "Impedance of a capacitor"

    This experiment shows the change in resistance of a capacitor in DC and AC circuits.

  • 47 - Frictional electricity

    experiment "Frictional electricity"

    Static electricity or friction is a type of charge separation. This creates a charge difference on the different bodies.

  • 48 - Forces acting between harged bodies

    experiment "Forces acting between harged bodies"

    This experiment shows how charged bodies behave when approaching.

  • 49 - Electroscope

    experiment "Electroscope"

    The experiment shows the change in the electroscope when its electrode is touched with an electrically charged plastic rod.

  • 50 - Polarisation / induction

    experiment "Polarisation / induction"

    The experiment shows the effects when the charged plastic rod approaches the uncharged plastic rod.

  • 51 - Induction at the electroscope

    experiment "Induction at the electroscope"

    The experiment shows the influence on the electroscope.

  • 52 - Storing charges

    experiment "Storing charges"

    The experiment examines the electrical state when a charged plastic rod touches a metal cup and a glow lamp inside the metal cup.

  • 53 - Magnetic action

    experiment "Magnetic action"

    In this experiment, the magnetic properties of different metals are tested.

  • 54 - Forces acting between magnets

    experiment "Forces acting between magnets"

    The force of magnets means that like poles attract and different poles repel.

  • 55 - Magnetic induction

    experiment "Magnetic induction"

    Magnetic influence refers to the magnetization of ferromagnetic materials. This happens when they come into a magnetic field strong enough to align their elemental magnets.

  • 56 - Geomagnetism/compass

    experiment "Geomagnetism/compass"

    The way a compass works means that the needle always points to the geographic north pole, which is the same as the physical south pole. Therefore, it can be said that the earth is a great magnet.

  • 57 - Electrolysis

    experiment "Electrolysis"

    Electrolysis is used to break down chemical elements under the influence of an electric current.

  • 58 - Galvanisation

    experiment "Galvanisation"

    In this experiment, the influence of a copper sulphate solution when an electrical voltage is applied is examined.

  • 59 - Electrochemical element

    experiment "Electrochemical element"

    In this experiment, the chemical processes occurring when the electrodes are immersed in the acidic electrolyte are observed.

  • 60 - Electrochemical potential

    experiment "Electrochemical potential"

    In this experiment, the chemical processes are observed using different substances when the electrodes are immersed in the acidic electrolyte.

scope of supply
  • 1 ×
  • 1 × ||Students kit Electricity modules - Basics including circuit board
  • 1 × Students Kit Electricity - Upgrade Induction and Alternating Current (AC)
  • 1 × Students Kit Electricity - Upgrade Electrostatics, Magnetism and Electrochemistry
additional materials required
Art-No. items items
Power supply unit, 12 V/3 A
Power supply unit, clocked, 6 V/1 A


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