High Power Van De Graff Generator

To produce high electric charges for electrostatic experiments.
Large, nickel-coated stainless steel sphere with 4-mm sockets for plugging in equipment, belt guide in transparent plexiglass tube, all set up on a plastic base with an earth socket.
Also features halogen lamp for drying belt, connection box with on-off switches for motor and lamp. Power supplied by a CE certified power supply. Supplied in ready-built form.
Includes the following accessories:

  • Stainless steel sphere, nickel-coated, 100 mm dia.
  • Stainless steel sphere, on rod, 300 x 12 mm dia., with earth lead
  • Bunch of threads with 4-mm plug pin
  • Pointed wheel with needle-point base
  • Dust-protection cover
  • Power supply with connecting leads

The picture shows an electrostatic device, such as a Van de Graaff generator, with a large metal ball on a stable base. Next to the device are various accessories that can be used for educational experiments.

item number 50300

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Technical specifications

Electric charge: depending on the room humidity 100 to 150 kV
Short circuit current: approx. 6 µA
Sphere diameter: 270 mm
Operating voltage: 230 V/50 Hz (mains supply unit)
Dimensions: 720 x 325 x 225 mm
Mass: ca. 4 kg


Demonstration kit Electrostatics

item number 50332

The kit allows to carry out a series of interesting, partly historical, experiments on electr...
