The kit is designed for the elementary instruction. It includes equipment and materials that are needed to conduct fundamental investigations
of materials.
One after the other, a spatula full of glucose, table salt, gypsum, starch, sand and citric acid is closely examined under a magnifying glass.
The students check the solubility of the different substances with water and record this in writing.
Using an electrode bridge that the students build themselves, the electrical conductivity of the liquids prepared in the previous experiment is checked.
The materials are heated by the students with the help of the stand materials and the Bunsen burner and then examined.
The students investigate the distillation of orange juice and can observe exactly what happens in the Erlenmeyer flask, the angle of the glass tube, the hose and the test tube.
The students investigate the distillation of port wine and can observe exactly which processes take place in the Erlenmeyer flask, in the glass tube angle, in the tube and in the test tube.
The students investigate the different states of matter with the help of ice cubes and a spirit burner.
With the help of a water decomposition apparatus, students can investigate the components of water.
The students investigate the electrical conductivity of tap water, distilled water and mineral water.
The students observe the behavior of sugar in water. How does sugar dissolve in cold and warm water? What happens to both solutions when they are heated?
Through this experiment, the students learn about the solubility of substances in oil and in water.
The students learn about the melting temperature and can use the experiment to find out for themselves what the melting temperature of the individual substances can depend on.
The students can use the experiment to observe the behavior of sand and iron powder in relation to the test tube with the magnet.
Students investigate separation processes of substances.
The students investigate the distillation of a copper sulfate solution and can observe exactly which processes take place in the Erlenmeyer flask, in the glass tube angle, in the tube and in the test tube.
Using the spirit burner, students investigate the appearance and temperature of copper sulfate with and without water.
In this experiment, the students can investigate the dissolution processes of sugar in hot and cold water.
The students observe the behavior of table salt in water. How does the salt dissolve in cold and warm water? What happens to both solutions when they are heated?
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